Every season when boxes of Essentiel Antwerp arrive into the shop they are ripped open enthusiastically to see what treasures await us inside, and they never disappoint. We have been stockist of Essentiel Antwerp for years and their playful, unique and offbeat styling always brings joy to our hearts. This is a company passionate about what they do and they keep surprising us season after season with exciting new prints, colour clashes and crazy pieces and that’s why we love them so!
Essentiel Antwerp always manages to be bang on trend but their pieces will last well beyond this season and look just as relevant brought out years later.
In this post we’re looking at the top 5 Spring Summer Trends for Spring Summer 20 from Essentiel Antwerp. First up . . .
Polka Dots
Whether you are revisiting your childhood or this is your first foray into polka dot embrace this trend it will bring out your inner child. We are seeing dots everywhere this season and Essentiel Antwerp is offering up some iconic takes on this trend for Spring Summer 20.
Many designers are gazing back to the hay day of Studio 54 and looking to the glamorous late nights of the 70s for inspiration. Essentiel Antwerp’s take on this is this tangerine ruffled piece of magnificence, such a stunning piece to dance the night away in.
From super sized posies to ditsy prints florals are still a big deal this spring summer. Florals look great worn with clashing prints or bright block colours. Any way you wear them they are going to brighten up your day.
Essentiel Antwerp always have statement knitwear to cosy up in Spring time bringing a bit of sunshine into your wardrobe. We have fallen for this bright Big Bird yellow fringed jumper that looks so great with jeans and will definitely brighten up your day.
The Blues
It seems everyone has the blues at the moment but we’re liking Essentiel Antwerp take on this. This powder blue puff will keep you warm until the sun comes out.
So much of the energy, eccentricity and brilliance of Essentiel Antwerp comes from their creative director Inge Onsea. As Essentiel Antwerp stockists we look to her for inspiration each season and always rocks the collection like no other – throwing out all fashion rules, never taking herself too seriously and always looking fabulous. Here’s she is on colours, clashing prints and mixing textures.